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These are terms that you may see on the Wiki, in Upland, in Discord, or through other community content. (Feel free to add to the list!)

UPX (Pronounced “UP Ex”) - The in game currency

Explorer - Your digital avatar that floats around

Visitor - New Players with under 10k UPX value

Uplander - Players with over 10k UPX value

Property/Parcel/Lot - The area/address that is purchasable to the explorer

Minted Property - Property that is owned by a player

Unminted Property - Property available for sale that is not currently owned

UP2 (UP Squares) -The unit of measurement of a property

Sends - In game “item” used to send your explorer to a minted property you don’t own

Burner Property/NFT - "Burners" coming from the original "Fresno Burner" refers to a cheap property used to facilitate any kind of trade that isn't natively supported in the game currently. Such as; multi property trades and Property for other NFTs (Legits, BEs, ect)

Visitor Fee - The cost to travel to a minted property you do not own. This is set by the property owner; varies by city

TH (Treasure Hunt) - In game event that spans a chest or Pinata on a Random Property

EX - An Exclusive TH

LM - A Limited TH

SF - San Francisco (First city released in Upland)

SFO - San Francisco Airport


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