Block Explorer

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The Block Explorer (BE for short) is the name of your avatar in Upland. It wanders/floats randomly over the map, or you could move it yourself with sends. You can choose the look of your explorer out of a selection linked to your status (as a visitor you can choose from six icons, as an Uplander 16 extra options are added, etc.). There also is the option to earn/win/buy limited edition Block Explorers (at this time only through special events). This is not only for profile personalization, but may also be worth money in the future, as they are registered as a special NFT on the blockchain.

Block Story[edit | edit source]

This is the backstory behind limited edition block explorer. This is part of the metadata of this NFT on the blockchain.

Speed of a block explorer[edit | edit source]

[to be filled in] Trail

Custom Block Explorer[edit | edit source]

[to be filled in] Director

BE as drivers?[edit | edit source]

[to be filled in]

List of Block Explorers[edit | edit source]

A list of Block Explorers can be found here.

Block Explorer Metaventures[edit | edit source]

[to be filled in]