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Fair Start Act (or: FSA) is a measure the founders took in 2020 to help new players to find cheap properties. A specific selection of all properties is reserved for starting players under the Fair Start Act. These FSA props are shown on the map by having the letters FSA on them: light grey if you are out of range, light green when you are in range (also see: database, to easily find available FSA properties and more). You can mint unlimited amount of FSA props (as far as you have enough UPX available) when you are a visitor or Uplander. When you have net worth over 100.000 UPX you can no longer mint FSA properties. For selling FSA properties there currently is a limit of 2 sales per week.

History[edit | edit source]


FSA Reset[edit | edit source]

When you want to sell the FSA properties you have minted, there is a limit of 2 properties per week, until the reset. You can also only put 2 FSA properties up for sale at the same time (or one if you already sold one, or none when you already sold two that week). You can take it of the market and put another FSA property up, so switching your properties on sale is possible. The reset of this limit is every week, on Sunday at midnight (UTC timezone).