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Nodes as referred to within the context of the Upland metaverse, have evolved to encompass any areas that have collaborative or coordinated plans for property and/or business development within them.

Node history.

The term[edit | edit source]

Throughout 2020 there was ongoing talk in the community about property and business development and several players bought up large sections of target neighbourhoods to claim as their own in San Francisco, the Upland genesis city. On the 23rd October 2020, Tee-em outlined his grand plans for Visitacion Valley and the wider Upland metaverse in the UPX Podcast Episode ‘The Realest S*!t We Ever Wrote’ which blew everybody’s minds. It took a few listens to really understand what was being said and the future potential found therein. At about the same time several small factions of highly coordinated players started forming small communities around single target neighbourhoods, such as Choyna and Alamo Square.

Original node concept sketch and final art.

This was expanded further with players taking part in property development testing and then a massive coordinated push by the community for Woodward Park to win the sandbox finale. Player BEN68 observed how effective this was in not only developing the neighborhoods, but also in creating and supporting some strong collaborative relationships with groups of Upland players.

In early April 2021 when visualising the concept of further neighbourhood development expansion for the Upland Development United concept, founder BEN68 sketched the idea for an unlimited expansion potential node map, which was then drawn up properly by UDU artist Skru. The term ‘node’ was then used exclusively by UDU to refer to coordinated property development in the neighbourhoods they owned a significant controlling percentage.

Due to unprecedented public transparency by UDU, the term node and the concept surrounding it quickly began spreading and being adopted widely in the Upland community and has since evolved to encompass any area within the Upland metaverse that has collaborative property and/or business development plans.

The term node has since been adopted officially by Upland.

Genesis node[edit | edit source]

Midtown Terrace, San Francisco is the original and therefore genesis node in the Upland metaverse.

Concept image for the genesis node, Midtown Terrace. Dark blue and red show properties held by Upland Development United team members or affiliates on the 8th April 2021.

The original characteristics for a neighborhood development project in Upland to be considered a neighborhood development node, as first and continuing to be implemented by the Upland Development United (UDU) team are that:

- At least two individual neighborhood development projects are connected through an umbrella brand

- Each team controls at least 61% of total available property numbers

- Node managers control the majority of properties in both neighborhoods

- The node managers have plans to coordinate the business and/or residential development of the neighborhoods

For example, UDU controls ~80% of the properties in Midtown Terrace, with the node manager BEN68 controlling ~40%.

First Upland Development United team meeting that outlined the node concept >here<

Other types of nodes subsequently evolved internally at UDU, before being adopted by the wider Upland community:

- Mini-node. Typically an area within a neighborhood or a street, where the team controls the majority of properties and has plans for business and/or residential development within them. For example, Longwood Drive in Chicago.

- Community node. Typically a neighborhood where the wider Upland community is informed that the area is being targetted to potentially become a node, prior to or when there are still properties available to be minted.

Public node[edit | edit source]

(The start of community/public nodes filled in here)