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UDU logo by Skru Designs
UDU Podcast
UDU Member Roles

Upland Development United[edit | edit source]

Established in April 2021 by BEN68, Upland Development United (UDU) is the original and premier collaborative node development team, within and extending from the Upland Metaverse. We are committed to coordinated development in our nodes, supporting each other in our individual and team goals and assisting other development collaboratives to form, grow and thrive in the Upland Metaverse.

The Upland Development United Podcast

To commemorate the second year of operations, the Upland Development Team Meetings have evolved into a new, extended and open to the public podcast. This show combines several of the previous and planned for Metaverse Ventures Entertainment (MVE) shows into 1 weekly ~90 minute show, which will be open to the public. All live participants have the opportunity to go into the running for a weekly chance at winning 1,000,000:coin~1: , as well as a bunch of sponsored prizes.

Pages in category "UDU"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.