Analytic Assassins

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Analytic Assassins is a research and analysis server, with a focus on city release research.

Enter Analytic Assassins[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Analytic Assassins was founded on the 13th June 2021.

The Lobby of The Continental[edit | edit source]

The Continental is the hotel in which Analytic Assassins is housed. It is a fancy but ominous looking building, but once you enter the lobby you will see there is a place for all. The lobby is the general chat of the server.

City Release Research[edit | edit source]

So far, Analytic Assassins provided research for the following city releases:

  • Cleveland
  • Santa Clara*
  • Rutherford*
  • Kansas City*
  • New Orleans
  • Nashville
  • Bronx
  • Oakland expansions (Berkeley & Alameda)
  • Los Angeles
  • Detroit

*until it was known that this city was a standard release instead of a vanilla release.

Support our content[edit | edit source]

Analytic Assassins sponsored by Ultra-Premium

Sponsor: Ultra-Premium[edit | edit source]

All our content is freely available for all. This is made possible by our sponsor Ultra-Premium. Because of their support, we can keep putting out our content without having to put up a paywall. So a big shout out to them!

The Assassins Shop / Little Black Book NFTs[edit | edit source]

Logo of Little Black Book NFTs

Do you also want to support what we do? That is also possible by purchasing our NFTs. Little Black Book is a collectible art NFT collection on WAX. On 24 January 2022, this collection was officially whitelisted by AtomicHub. There are Milestones, Citybooks (a nice token to remember an Upland city release by) and Booster Gems (gifts for the Discord Boosters of the server). In the future this will be expanded with Character NFTs, very limited NFTs celebrating iconic people in the Upland community.

Support our content by purchasing these NFTs here in our AtomicHub Marketplace.

Intelligence & Tactics[edit | edit source]

Besides city release research, this content can be found at Analytic Assassins:

Heat maps[edit | edit source]

Our cartographers regularly post maps in this server. There are three different kinds:

  • Heat maps: maps that show you the percentage sold out in a neighbourhood.
  • Markup maps: maps that show you the average markup of sales per neighbourhood.
  • High resolution maps: downloadable maps that make it easier to identify certain properties.

Treasure chest[edit | edit source]

The place for questions, chats, and more, regarding treasure hunting in Upland.

An Elephants Tale[edit | edit source]

Data, graphs and other analytics by our resident elephant: TheTempest. You are more than welcome to join in on the discussion. Think about topics like player retention, transaction activity, and more.

Page 5: Gossip Girl[edit | edit source]

Room that irregularly houses the posts of RedLlama. A blog focused on drama in the Upland Community: Based on true stories.

Blender Bender[edit | edit source]

Creative gathering room for anyone designing & learning Blender (free 3D program).

The Media Room[edit | edit source]

Room where all the latest YouTube videos and podcasts regarding Upland are posted.

Streetview Market[edit | edit source]

Shill channels that are exclusively for special properties like tagged properties or specific streetviews. Something that is not shown in the databases or other market tools, so that deserves a special spot.

  • Flex Gallery (not for shilling, just for flexing your best streetviews)
  • Business: tagged businesses and/or business streetviews
  • Church/School/Library: tagged and/or streetview
  • Inside View: streetviews that show the inside of a property
  • Luxury Residential: villas and more fancy streetviews
  • Shenanigans: an ewok on a roof, naked house owner or a kid flipping the camera off, and other shenanigan streetviews.
  • Regular: non streetview specific shill channel.

NFT Exchange[edit | edit source]

Trade area for:

  • NFLpa Legits
  • Block Explorers
  • Spirit Legits
  • Ornaments
  • Other non Upland related NFTs

The Back Alley[edit | edit source]

Freedom of speech and access to information are an integral part of Analytic Assassins. That's why we've opened up The Back Alley. Within the boundaries of our rules (no discrimination, bullying, etc.), this is the place to debate, vent, rant, and also is the playground of the banned. Meaning, the players who were banned of the Upland server, can take shelter here and still get access to Upland's Discord announcements.

Team[edit | edit source]

High table[edit | edit source]

  • BitDeficit
  • CaFe MogadoR (The Congierge)
  • Deftones
  • DeSjaak (Acting Director)
  • Dkam
  • Longshot
  • Predator
  • Sinty
  • Steve
  • TheTempest
  • Wishful

Research team[edit | edit source]

The research team is subjective to change depending on availability. We are always welcoming new players to join our research team. No experience is needed, the researchers work together as a team. Interested in becoming a junior researcher? Reach out to The Congierge or the Head of Research.

  • Longshot (Head of Research)
  • Dots
  • Wolf
  • Fair
  • Tal Collan
  • CaFe MogadoR
  • DeSjaak
  • Gincha (Junior Researcher)
  • lama (Junior Researcher)
  • Look_Y (Junior Researcher)
  • p00pyjoel (Junior Researcher)

Cartographers[edit | edit source]

  • CapedMadman (high resolution maps)
  • Steve (heatmaps)
  • TheTempest (markup maps)

Other members[edit | edit source]

  • Mvejs (giveaways)
  • Mike3226 (treasure hunt content)
  • BIGNICK23 (sponsor)
  • MaliceSky (founder, but no longer part of the Assassins)

Partners[edit | edit source]

Partners of Analytic Assassins are: